
ISSN 0351-2851

Acrocephalus is the scientific journal of DOPPS – BirdLife International which is issued since 1980. Original work from all fields of ornithology is published in Acrocephalus, with a focus on southeastern Europe and eastern Mediterranean. Contributions are published in Slovene or English.

The journal is indexed in:

AGRICOLA, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, BOSTAO SPA Serials, COBIB,, Ornithological Worldwide Literature, Ornithologische Schriftenschau, Raptor Information System, Zoological Records.

Annual publications and subscription (abroad)

One volume consists of two double issues. Annual subscription is 126,00 EUR for institutions and organizations and 50,00 EUR for individuals. Members of DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia.

Your contact for subscription:

DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenija (za Acrocephalus)
p.p. 2990
SI-1001 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 1 426 58 75
fax.: +386 1 425 11 81

Current account:
International Girobank: Raiffeisen Banka d. d., No. SI56 2440 0905 9588 660.