Bird Watching
Bird watching is an interesting free time activity in nature that is becoming increasingly popular in Slovenia. Even in settlements, a variety of birds can be observed, and identifying their species can prove quite a challenge.
By regularly monitoring birds that are quick to respond to various environmental changes, we can detect changes in the behaviour and abundance of specimens, and sometimes, a disappearance of an entire species.
In Slovenia, 380 bird species have been observed so far, 220 of which also nest.
More information about individual species can be found in the Birds of Slovenia section.
When and How to Observe?
We have put together a basic field guide for successful bird watching.Recommended Equipment
The use of a manual and an optical device such as binoculars or a spotting scope will make our observation and species identification much easier.Where to Observe?
In Slovenia, there are a number of interesting areas with a variety of habitats. Our proposed ornithological trips take place across the entire country.Identification Corner
Bird identification is a special challenge that requires a significant amount of experience and skill, which is why we prepared some tips for identifying the most common bird groups.