
Volunteering is a socially useful and free activity for individuals, who with their work, knowledge and experiences contribute to the progress and improvement of the community’s quality of life. Through this noble gesture, individuals show their trust in the institution, which they work with and the dedication to its mission.

Numerous members of the organisation as well as non-members have with selfless volunteering proved to be invaluable to the realisation of DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia activities. In the year 2012, 549 people completed 16,739 hours of volunteer work. Professional bird surveys, public education and nature conservation work made up most of the tasks. In 2011, DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia received the official status of a volunteer organization.

Join us and follow events on
Volunteer Notice Board!

Why volunteer at DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia?

With organised volunteer activities we contribute to nature conservation and the community’s welfare. By volunteering, you can join us and do good for nature and the wider community. Everyone is welcome!

Field surveys and assisting with researcField surveys and assisting with research
Results from systematic monitoring regarding population size of individual bird species as well as studies into their biology increase the collection of precious data and insights to the state of their populations in Slovenia. Thus, we can scientifically influence the preservation of their habitats and plan nature conservation efforts.
photo: Tomaž Mihelič
Education and promotionEducation and promotion
With a variety of educational activities we strengthen people’s environmental conscience for nature and sense of sustainable living; we particularly focus on young people. With this purpose our volunteers implement numerous lectures, field trips, research camps and promotional stands.
photo: Gregor Bernard
Working groupsWorking groups
We organise annual work outings in the field, with which we directly care for bird protection and their habitats. Furthermore, volunteer working groups enable us to maintain the development and growth of the organisation.
photo: DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia

How can you join?

We strive to find the most suitable work for each of our volunteers; it is carried out in accordance with the mission of the organisation and abilities of the individual. Volunteers with a variety of previous experience and skills are always welcome at DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia, thus developing them even further. Working at DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia can also be an opportunity for mandatory school credit, internship and/or practical work.

For volunteer opportunities please check our Notice board or contact us personally on the organisation’s email: dopps@dopps.si. You can also participate in organizing and conducting numerous activities on the local level, run by different sections of DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia.