DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia Monitoring
For the purpose of observing the state of bird populations and their habitats, DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia performs monitoring using standardised, internationally comparable methods. Thus gathered data gives us quality and credible insight into the state and dynamics of bird populations in Slovenia, which enables us to analyse the effects and draw comparisons with other countries.
This extensive annual operation is made possible with the help of more than 300 trained volunteers who are active in the Society.
International Waterbird Census (IWC)
The 300-volunteer operation began in 1988. The January census encompasses over 90 waterbird species which are regularly monitored in order to record population trends throughout Slovenia.Monitoring Selected Bird Species in Important Bird Areas (IBA)
The monitored populations include over 30 qualifying bird species from Natura 2000 areas. A recorded negative population trend of a specific species is a clear sign protective measures must be implemented immediately.Monitoring Widespread Bird Species for the Determination of the Slovenian Farmland Bird Index (SIPKK)
Monitoring determines population changes in farmland bird species. This assists us in distinguishing environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practices from those harmful to birds.