
Visiting the Iški morost Nature Reserve is intriguing in all seasons. The area is home to the circular Corncrake’s educational path (Koščeva učna pot), on which you can familarise yourself with the typical habitat types of the Ljubljana Marshes and the forms of management employed to maintain and conserve it.

While walking on the path make sure to keep your eyes and ears open. You might just be able to see one of the rare and/or endangered plants and animals, that inhabit the area.

Basic information about the educational path

  1. You can walk to the observatory via a well trodden road. The trail is 0.5 km long and takes approximately half an hour both ways.
  2. You can continue the trail on the rougher circular path. We recommend trekking shoes, in the event of rain rubber boots are best. Both paths together measure 2.5 km and take about an hour and a half.


Guided tours of the reserve

It’s possible to familiarise yourself with the Nature Reserve through a tour lead by a knowledgeable guide, which can improve the quality of your experience. Guided tours are higly recommended for larger groups (over 10 people).

The number of guided tours are limited, as such we recomend you book early to avoid disappointment (at least three weeks ahead), as this is the only way that the guide will be able to go ahead on the requested date. We also provide guides for different types of educational groups (pre-school, primary school, high school and university students).

For further information and guided tours please contact us on:
DOPPS-BirdLife Slovenia
Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
00 386 1 426 58 75

Basic rules when visiting the reserve

The Iški Morost Nature Reserve is free for the general public, entry’s at your own risk. You can only see the reserve by walking on the circular educational path, as bicycles are prohibited.
We ask that all visitors obey the rules when visiting the reserve.

The four seasons of the Iški morost

It is impossible to see all plants and animals in one visit. Birds are shy and tend to hide, particularly when patrons are noisy on the trails. As such, visitors should pay attention as it is possible to meet some of the residents on the path itself. What you see also depends on the time of the year. What you see also depends on the time of the year.

What can be observed and experienced?