Your DOPPS membership protects birds and preserves nature!
By becoming a DOPPS member, you will:
- Become part of a society with more than 1,000 members which tackles the greatest nature conservation challenges in Slovenia.
- Be able to attend monthly lectures on birds and nature as well as guided trips in Slovenia and abroad.
- Get many opportunities to participate in various forms of voluntary work – bird inventories, research projects, nature conservation, education etc.
- Be able to join one of the regional branches or the youth section.
- Optionally, receive the printed Svet ptic magazine (four per year) and the Acrocephalus ornithological journal.

A present for new members: Ptice okoli nas booklet!
We have gathered our best advice on how to help birds living in your vicinity by making small changes. This way you can enrich your environment, become more familiar with it and connect more closely to nature.
Join us in three steps!
1. Choose your membership type
Membership type | Basic without magazines | Including Svet ptic OR Acrocephalus printed magazines |
Including Svet ptic AND Acrocephalus printed magazines |
Full | adult members | 15 | 27 | 37 |
Reduced | under 20, student, unemployed or pensioner | 9 | 17 | 25 |
Family | 19 | 35 | 45 | |
Lifelong | one person | 650 |
2. Fill in the application form.
3. Print, sign and send the application form to the following address: DOPPS, p.p. 2990, SI-1001 Ljubljana
Lifelong membership
Nature needs many dedicated and loyal friends it can always count on. From now on, we offer you the opportunity to be a friend of nature and birds for life. By becoming a lifelong DOPPS member, you make a precious contribution to the long-term protection of birds and nature conservation.
After the payment of 650 EUR in a single sum, a lifelong member enjoys full membership benefits. Membership fees can also be paid in up to four monthly instalments.
Lifelong membership can not be transferred to a third party nor can it be inherited. A lifelong member may cancel their membership, but is not entitled to the reimbursement of membership fees.
Want to know more about DOPPS membership?
Contact us by e-mail ( or by phone (00 386 1 426 58 75, during working hours).
We will be happy to answer your questions!